Well, strap on your ears, 'cause here comes part two!
On a light post in Canyon, this odd flyer is taped...

In case you cannot read it, it says...
Spider monkey goes by the name of Mickey.
About three feet tall, with grayish brown tail.
Will attack if cornered. Please contact if spotted.
Do not attempt to come in contact with! Very Dangerous!!!
When she found out there actually WAS a missing monkey (and everyone should be able to type 'missing monkey' as pertaining to their lives at least once, 'cause it's a freaking RIOT), my mother danced (not only because she was vindicated, but because the big freaktastic monkey didn't attack her children, who, if you recall, beat on every juniper bush on the block with big sticks, and even took a search dog to find "Mickey"). The scene was rather like this...
So, as I said back in July, if you know of anybody missing a monkey...
Since this post is to toast my darling Mama, I dedicate this clip to her...