Who here is familiar with Garfield and Friends?
Of course you are!
Well, twenty years later, meet the new Garfield Show...
If that's not appalling, I don't know what is. That's mild, if I may say so (and it's my blog, after all, so I may)... I've researched what they've done to Jon and Odie! It's terrible. I shan't go on, it's like trampling all over my formative years... it's like telling me that Stick Stickly was just thrown away after the mid-90's...
Ol' Stick and I were on first name terms...
(And, I must say, when we went to Nick studios back in '02, I was gobsmacked that it wasn't busy... we had the whole place to ourselves. Unfortunately, I had no idea what they were advertising, or even what shows were in the line-up by that point, but still, you would see it on TV as a wee naif and think, "by Jove, I'll get there one day".)
Moving on... I've been singing this all day, and I can't figure out why (it's been YEARS since I've seen this film)...
... and I've been singing it in that voice, as well.
I never thought of it before now, but doesn't Jimmy remind you of anyone?...

Let's hear it for nostalgia!