However, the news today seems to have one (HAH!) severe problem... a lack of proof reading.
A picture's worth a thousand words, so here goes...

Yes, cat lovers are so neurotic, they can't even tell if they're fussing over a cat or a chihuahua. Time for a new pair of glasses, Sonny Jim!
'Cause this...

...and this...
are SOOOO easy to confuse.
(That Baby, by the way, is my Lilly... she's my pride and joy, sugars and spices and all that is nices, my prettyful-beautiful-wonderful Honey Nugget. And yes, I call her that, frequently.)
In other news, if you're wondering where I get my political jargon, have a peep at this video!
Oh, the days when the only major worry we had with politics was if Al Gore would make a comeback (I now like to call him the Crazy Green Ninny instead of Whiny Looooser)!
And, for the record, I do a mean Howard Dean impersonation...