Monday, January 18, 2010

Dear Golden Globes People, Why Didn't Paul Win? Sincerely, Me...

I don't usually watch awards shows... they always make you feel like such a slouch, sitting in your recliner in nothing but your underwear and your knee-high socks with the little grippy stars on the bottom, realizing that you've done nothing with the last six hours but eaten an entire pint of Ben And Jerry's, and a box of Little Debbie gingerbread cookies.
Anyway... I broke the rules for the Golden Globes, not only because Ricky Gervais was the MC (which we'll get to in a moment), but that our Paulie was going to present (which we were all VERY excited for at Fusspot Farm).
Ricky started out well, I thought, which was a good thing... I had hoped they'd ask him back (again, we'll get to that), and, as the awards ceremony kicked off, I settled in to wait for Paul. Much to my surprise, his category was one of the first to be announced...

Isn't he adorable?

It wasn't long after Paul's too brief appearance on stage (since he didn't win a shiny statue for his song, (I Want To) Come Home... and he should have!) that this incident happened...

Yes, he did just say that.
I have been eagerly awaiting some kind of response from Mr. Gervais (via his blog, of course), and was just treated to this entry...

So that was The Golden Globes. Hope everyone enjoyed it as much as I did. I was worried about the Paul McCartney line but then he came backstage and hugged me and said he loved it, so that was OK. Never piss off a Beatle - rule 1.

In other news, I have to say that I loved the beginning of this guy's acceptance speech...

Now, enough with stuffy award ceremonies, let's talk about fun stuff!
Did anybody catch Ringo on Jimmy Fallon last week? If you didn't, I must say, you didn't miss much, except this little gem.
Mr. Fallon is a HUGE Beatles fan, and you can certainly see his excitement about Ringo's appearance on his show in this clip... do watch it, it's the cutest thing (besides Paul, of course) that I've seen in eons...

And now, for something completely different...

I agree with Mr. Ross... the best dancing time IS naked time.

Ricky The K's Solid Gold Time Machine