There are headlines that make you think...

(How good of spies are they if folks knew where they can be found?)
The smell of an oxymoron lingering in the air...

And, of course, bacon.
Yes, bacon.
I was particularly fascinated with the mention of bacon maple lattes in the article, so I let my fingers do the walking (it seems like my fingers do more walking than my legs these days... ahh, the Internet generation!) and found this...
Another funsie in the bacon article... the Bacon Today blog (with links to their Facebook and Twitter); they boast the Bacon Shop, and highlight fan filks to bacon, among original songs and videos (and other bacony bits... yeah, you walked into that one) all dedicated to our favorite non-kosher delight (even an easily-could-go-veggie twit like myself takes delight in a plate of crispy bacon from time to time).
Isn't it amazing what people spend their time doing? I should know, I've wasted an entire morning just looking this useless drivel up.
It does get me to thinking, though...
I have never wished I was a Kellogg's Corn Flake...

...I am a Citizens For Boysenberry Jam Fan...

...however, though it's never mentioned, I always figured that Punky's dilemma was of a bacony nature...
One last bacon thing, and I'm done... for now.