When we saw just how ginormous the flakes were (about the size of half-dollars), we had to go out and play in it!
Same view as last week...

I think this one shows just how freaking BIG those flakes were, and they were that big for probably an hour, too (the large white streak on the left side of the frame is pretty accurate)...

... and yes, the settings on the camera were right... those flakes were just that big!
While I was outside, I couldn't resist taking my beloved macro shots of boring nature stuff (I LOVE to photograph trees, if you never knew)...

It's still snowing like a monkey in shoes (I don't know why I said that, but it's staying... I may even try to make that a new phrase... tell your friends!), and our walkways are completely white now. This is a great night to cuddle up with a fresh pot of tea and some As Time Goes By!
And now, a word from The Precious...
I leave you now with this slideshow...