TCM runs what they call Silent Sunday Nights at 11 o'clock each week, and, from time to time, I like to tune in. My favorite ever Silent Movie Sunday was the twelve week Judex special.
Monday, October 12, 2009
Ricky The K's Solid Gold Time Machine
- The Veil Is Thinnest Tonight!
- The Great Knicker Debacle...
- Black And... WTF?
- Oy Gevalt! 43 Goes Yiddish, Too!
- Remaster Me Home...
- Turn Right On Willow Valley...
- You've Never Heard The Beatles Like This Before...
- He's The Chief And We Are Hailing...
- Paul, Twitter, And "Where In The World?"...
- Television Will Turn Your Brain To Jelly...
- It's Johnny's Birthday!