Well, boy howdy, glum-gee-diddle, have they got a doosie for us today!
Limited to only 1,953 pieces, the Marilyn Monroe "Sparkle of a Legend" statue adds "the fluid grace of Marilyn" to any decor!
They were going for this...

...created this...

...which reminds me of something I saw in Vegas...

As quoted from the brochure, cross my heart and hope to fly: Notice how perfectly the sculptor brings to life the beauty of Marilyn's face...

In other news, one of my favorite magazines, Metropolitan Home...

Hubba hubba
...went, for lack of a better phrase, tits up.
That being said, they have decided to fill in the remainder of my subscription with Woman's Day...

I'm under 20, and weigh 100 pounds fully dressed, do you think I give a monkey's arse if I make guilt-free desserts? TVP-Helper is a stretch of my imagination.
Why do I bring this up?
Well, they've got something called the Month of Menus... guess what they include for every Monday?
Sooo... YAY for Meat Free Monday! Making a difference, one less burger at a time. And don't blame me that it's such a catchy tune, I can't help it if you're singing this until next Monday, and then the vicious cycle starts all over again. Nope, can't blame me.
Now, it's time for more random stuff that's been floating about in my brainbucket.
Isn't it your favorite part of the program? It is mine!
Firstly, my mother thinks that one of the guys on this season of The Bachelorette looks like the guy in "Emergency!"
Bachelorette guy...


I'm inclined to believe her.
It's not his fault, they can't all be Ed...

This week's forecast? Mostly hot, with a chance of war...

...and the jobs forecast is just about the same...


They want to make sure we know Igor is American, 'cause his name might confuse us...

Today's psychoses weren't brought to you by...
Have you seen this?

You bet yer knee-highs that's Paul and Pete Townshend.
And another thing!
As a public service announcement, I'm telling you not to see The Hot Tub Time Machine. You will thank me.
Yes, yes, I know, the preview looks great...
...but it will only lead to disappointment in John Cusack's role-picking ability since High Fidelity.
Hey, when has Nick Hornby ever let us down?
I will say this for Hot Tub Time Machine, though... it got that stupid song, "Jessie's Girl", stuck in my head.
Yes, I know that isn't the original, but this one has a little more grit, a little less... well, '80s.
I think we need something to clear the palette...
OK, I can function at optimal level now my Paul-Cuteness gagues are reading at full.
Last, but certainly not least, since this is the Turret Full Of Raven's 222nd post, I think it only fitting that we use a fitting song, because it's fitting.
Ahhhh... bonus material!

You are now free to go back to your boring lives.