I have now regained enough feeling in my fingers to properly type.
How did I loose feeling in my fingers, you ask?
I just went traipsing through our neighborhood in my jammies and dressing gown (christened The Arctic Robe during the Frosted Flakes storms earlier this year... yes, for similar reasons), enjoying a surprisingly strong snowstorm!
Not knowing what setting to put the camera on for nighttime (besides the one with a picture of a little stickman and a moon; don't be snarky, it doesn't suit you), yet knowing that photographs needed to be taken RIGHT BLOODY NOW, I slipped on the closest pair of shoes I could find, and headed out.
If I do say so myself, I don't think these turned out too badly, considering I wasn't using the proper settings.

I think looking at this display of colorful lights, with the cheezy plastic nativity lit up in the background (you can't see it very clearly in the photo, but it's there), during a beautiful, quiet, early morning, December snowstorm, warm lights glowing from the house I was standing in front of as I snapped the shot... is the most Christmas-y I have felt in years.

Reginald Kitty finds this pathetic.
I plan on going out tomorrow to get some daytime shots, too. That's why you're reading this post now, and not sooner.
Tonight, after I came in from the cold and wet, as I stirred my cup of piping hot cider (yeah, I do that kind of thing from time to time, what's yer point?), still enjoying that semi-Christmas-y feeling, I looked out the window. As the snow fell gently outside, this song played back to back (on two different radio stations!); 'somehow,' I thought to myself, 'this fits'.
If I wasn't the only one up right now, it would probably have been Christmas music. I like mine better.
I shall now finish my cider, and continue watching the snowflakes grow; it looks like the opening of Star Wars out my office windows right now, so I'd better go enjoy it!
2:06 AM
Just refreshed the My Life Is Average tab. About this time each night, the new "Average Word Of The Day" is updated. Today's Average Word: snowflake.

Reginald Kitty is not amused.
9:54 AM
I have just returned from an arctic expedition, deep into the proverbial Texas tundra.
I have, again, just regained feeling enough in my fingers to properly type, and I have a nice, hot mug of cider at my disposal.
It snowed all night, and is still snowing now; we estimate we've got about seven or eight inches by now, and, as you'll see in the accompanying photos, it's beautiful out there!

It's like that scene in A Christmas Story!

The favorite bloggy snow shot.
The house is awake and bustling to the sounds of Christmas music now, just like every other morning.
Somehow, it doesn't feel as cozy-Christmas without snippets from the LOVE album, but this, too, will work... I guess.

Reginald Kitty is in agreement.