In our family, December 24th means Christmas; we don't do that silly wait-'til-Christmas-morning bollocks, we get straight to business.
All of the annoying Christmas music, the wrapping and buying of gifts, the decorations, and general festive goop leads to this one night.
So, while it may be a little early for the rest of the world (except our European friends, of course; thank you, time zones!), we'll be having a Wonderful Christmastime...
...sending you a lovely Christmas card...
When I was little, I thought the lyric was "instead of letting the postman read it", rather than "instead of letting the postman bring it". I have always been suspicious of government agencies.
...and thinking of world peace...
Now, I know we haven't really kept this tradition up as well this year as last, but I find it fitting to draw your attention to my favorite Beatles Christmas record (the 1966 Pantomime), as it's just so charming.
That damn Podgie and Jasper bit kills me every time.
Really, all silliness aside...