... and my mother was on a step ladder in a linen closet near our front door...

The way our house is built, we have an extra room at the front, which has an entire fifteen foot wall of closet space; this room is situated directly next to the front door, separated only by an archway, with the closets facing opposite the front door. There is one very small window on one side of the room, and a large glass block window overlooking the front porch/front door on the other.
We were each in our own little worlds -- no telephones incessantly ringing (have I ever mentioned how much I hate the telephone? It's my number one pet peeve), no company over for the day, dad away at the office -- it was a beautiful experience.
That is, until several things happened in very quick succession.
The telephone started ringing...
...to which I shouted my usual obscenities...
...and hear this coming from the spare room...
...I run in to see my mother standing at the open front door. Now, I'm incredibly near-sighted, so I don't know if Jack Nicholson is on the other side, or what...
...until I hear our friendly UPS man with this look on his face...

...telling her to have a nice day.
I asked her what happened, but all she could do was laugh.
Then, I asked if it was our regular UPS man.
She could only shake her head, and said that she saw a big bald man peering in through the glass block, which was what made her scream.

So, not only did he hear my profanity-laden shouting, but when he decided to look inside at the ruckus, he somehow created a ruckus of his own.
And then, we both laughed about it, very much like this...
It's like The Mr. Schuman Incident all over again. They parallel not just in the fact that the two of us screamed at strangers at our front door, but that those strangers rang a door bell that doesn't work.
I guess maybe we'll get it fixed now, won't we?