Thursday, August 6, 2009

Oompa Loompas, Taxidermy, And The 1910 Fruitgum Company...

This blog wouldn't be nearly as entertaining if Graham Linehan didn't find these things... today's special, The Crappy Taxidermy online museum (this is a fabulous time-waster, if you should be in need of one)! And I thought I had some weird interests...

Speaking of my odd interests, take a look at this absolutely hilarious news post from the nerds at TMZ.
This calls for a clip!

And now... something completely different...

OK, so maybe that special post I made last month wasn't my last word on Jacko. Sue me.

For some reason or other, it just seems that this song needs to be added to this post...

Well, this was like an adventure in ADD, wasn't it? OH, LOOK! A CHICKEN!