Sunday, June 21, 2009

Ringo Gets A Warmer Reception...

When my sister sent me this link over the IM just a minute ago, my Blog Senses were tingling... it's the Custom Neil Diamond Quilt!
Why don't they have one for Bobby Sherman?
Now, Neil Diamond has given me the collywobbles since I was a wee one... hate is a strong word, but I've really never liked this guy. My aversion to him has gotten so unbearable in the last few years that I have to shut off our radio station when he comes on (iTunes has spoiled me)... but I knew a blog would not be complete without a video, and boy, did I find a gem...
Neil Diamond fans aren't as loyal as he'd like to think...

Those yutzes were the best a camera crew could find? As the title of this post suggest, even Ringo gets a warmer reception!
And to think what fans did for Paul's 65th birthday...

Ricky The K's Solid Gold Time Machine