In other news, we went to Galveston last week. Oh boy, another tropical location. We all remember how much I love tropical places, right? So what better place for someone like me to go than a tiny little island. I have a bit of a history of going slightly bonkers on islands, and this trip was no exception. I spent almost the entire week whispering "sea funk" under my breath.
We still managed to have a somewhat decent time.
Would you like to hear about it?
Well, lie.

Reginald Kitty is not amused.
*I have traveled all over this great state -- except the Houston/Galveston area. That is, until now! The road from Dallas to Houston was just lovely, including the pine forest (which I had never realized existed). It was pretty darn neat to see those large, green trees, listen to Miles Kane, and devour a bag of Riesens.
I think I enjoyed the drive so much because it reminded me of driving in Illinois -- and I liked driving in Illinois.
Well, that and the Riesens.
*We had two lovely pic-nicks at the very end of the island. There were some birds there (see slideshow). I screamed a couple of times, because they decided they wanted to come into our car.
*The cemeteries there were beautiful. (What, you don't like to visit a cemetery or two on your holiday?) They were reminiscent of the ones in New Orleans, which was interesting.
*We visited a couple of mansions on the main boulevard. Surprisingly, they were magnificent on the outside, and plain on the inside. I don't understand it, either.
*Our hotel was built on top of Fort Crockett. When you walked the grounds, you were actually climbing on top of a fort.
Would you like to see the slides now?
Well, lie again.
Yes, it was a bit of a slow week. And, what's more, we missed two of the Six Nations Rugby matches on BBC America, because our DVR decided to ignore my programming prowess.
We'll get the February 25th game, and lament the fact that we didn't get to see Scotland play. Bloody technology.