Yesterday, we packed up and headed to Red River, New Mexico; our mission was to look at the fall color, and maybe see the remnants of a snowstorm they had a couple of days ago.
Imagine our surprise when we got there, and the ground was still covered in the white stuff!
Highlights included:
* When the miners blew a very loud horn. It was, indeed, very loud. Some naughty words were said, which made it all the more fun, if you ask me.
* Oktoberfest! We had funnel cake.
* Snow! We also got snowed on, which you may or may not be able to see in the photographs (see the slideshow).
* Getting stuck in a traffic jam with an antelope. He was running right down the middle of the lane, for no apparent reason. He took a left near Albuquerque.
It was a lovely day out!
And now, for another episode of "My Mother Is Adorable".
Have I ever mentioned I like Andy Burrows? Have I ever mentioned that I like free music downloads? Did you know you can get quite the bundle of free stuff from Andy Burrows? (If you like free downloads, too, you can get an I Am Arrows Demo EP, and his newest single.)
Being as I get the Andy Burrows/I Am Arrows Facebook updates (yes, I only use Facebook to keep up with bands, not family members. If you think that's odd, you ought to see how I use Twitter), I was excited to see that the announcement we were teased about on Friday was another new project, aptly titled Smith & Burrows; but the best part was the FREE DOWNLOAD! All you have to do is "like" their page, and boom, free stuff! So, that's exactly what I did. With little more than the intention of listening to this newest morsel later on, I went about my day as normal.
A little while later, my mother asked if I could look and see if Facebook showed that she liked Beatles Radio 1.
This is kind of how the conversation went:
Mother: See if it's there.
Me: I just hate that they show what you've liked.
Mother: I know. This morning, I saw that you liked Bonzo and Whatever. Some dudes were wearing angel wings. I just shook my head. It's kind of weird.
This is what she was talking about.

All I did was get something free, man! (That reminds me, I should listen to that tonight. I don't know if it's any good yet!)
And now I know why Moss was right.